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Valentine Canvas Art

Today we created something that can be done and enjoyed by any age using items we found in the craft room. I can always guarantee Addie will be interested in crafting if I mention GLITTER. This is not to say you have to use glitter, but we did, and I'm very pleased with the result!

To create these you will need:

- any size canvas- I used 12x12

- heart stencil - I had quite a few leftover from the craft kits!

- glue-I used spray adhesive for one and hot glue for the others

- craft items-buttons, pompoms, glitter, paper pieces, yarn, etc. You get the picture!

- pencil

The first thing we did was trace the shape of the heart onto our canvas. This will give you the guidelines you need to follow to fill in your heart.

We started with a pompom heart. This was my favorite because it's very colorful and fluffy! We began by gluing the pompoms to the outer edges of our traced heart and then filled in the inside. We used hot glue to adhere them to the canvas. It is a little messy and I learned that it works best to place the glue on the canvas first and then place your pompoms in the glue. These help reduce the number of glue strings from the glue gun.

The second heart was the glitter heart. I'm going to be completely honest with you, I despise spray adhesive! It's messy and takes forever to get off of your fingers. I would recommend wearing gloves if you are able too. I did not, and regretted it.

I taped my stencil to the canvas all along the outer edges of it and then used the spray adhesive and did my best to keep it inside of the heart. Once you've done that you can start sprinkling the glitter inside the heart. I chose to use different colors, you can as well or just use one color of glitter. Once you've covered the entire heart, carefully stand up your canvas and tap it gently to remove any glitter that hasn't adhered to the canvas. You will most likely have some glitter here and there outside of the stencil but it can easily be removed with a lint roller. Take your stencil off carefully once you'd removed excess glitter. You don't want to leave it on too long or it could end up glued to your canvas.

The last canvas we made was using red rhinestones that I got from my mom years ago. She had quite the collection of these little gems and I was excited to find a good use for them. Again, I traced a heart onto the canvas and then using hot glue I placed the rhinestones around the outer edges of the heart. Once the outline was finished, I filled in the heart.

I'm very pleased with the final result and although I made them as decorations for Valentine's Day, I think we will keep them up year round. It was a nice touch to the kids classroom. Addie has already asked if she can make some similar art for her bedroom!

I hope you are enjoying these craft ideas. Check back daily for more ideas!

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