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DIY Paper Seed Bombs

Create these fun seed bombs with three simple ingredients-water, paper, and seeds! This is a fun, simple Earth Day activity as well as a great way to get the kids involved in the garden.

I absolutely love spending time outdoors in my garden and it means even more to me when the kids spend time helping in the garden as well. I convinced Addie to make some seed bombs with me that we could plant together on Earth Day. I figured she would enjoy this activity because it was a little messy and I was right! She definitely enjoyed it and we learned a few things a long the way.

Materials Needed:

3-4 sheets of paper


wildflower seed packet ( you can do other seeds as well but you will want to choose something with smaller seeds like wildflower seeds)

To begin, you will want to tear up your pieces of paper. This will help them fit into the blender when it is time. We tore our paper and put it all into a large bowl. The downside to this is we mixed all of our colors together creating a rather ugly looking seed bomb! First lesson learned...

Once you have your paper torn you can place it into the blender. Add two cups of water and blend. You will want to pulverize the paper so that it looks like pulp. Depending on how much paper you have used, you may need to add a little more water.

After your pulp is made you will want to put it into a strainer. Let the strainer sit over a bowl or in your sink for about 5-10 minutes. This allows excess water to drain out of the pulp. Once this is completed you can start forming your seed bombs!

You will want to scoop a small handful of pulp from your bowl and add about 1/4 teaspoon of seeds to it. Mix them together in your hands and then either place into a mold or roll into a ball. Once this is done you can set it aside to dry and then repeat!

We attempted to use a silicone mold we purchased last spring to make our seed bombs into shapes. Now, it may have looked better had we not mixed all of our colors together AND let it dry completely. Unfortunately they fell apart when we took them out. SO if you do use a mold of some sort make sure to press a paper towel into your form to pull out some more of the water and let them dry for at least 48 hours! Also, again, don't mix too many colors together or you will get this lovely shade of ground beef😂

That's it! We placed ours outside for a bit after making them so that the sun could help dry them and then brought them back into the house. Once your seed bombs are dry they are ready to be planted. You can also share these seed bombs with family and friends- they make a great gift! I'm hoping to get ours planted this afternoon once it has warmed up some ( and once I figure out where to plant them! ) Happy Earth Day!

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